Instructions for your Lucid Candle ↓
Your Lucid Candle is factory set so that only a small portion of the wick sticks out of the Pyrex holder. This is the optimal wick height. Raising it can result in a smoky, inefficent burn.
How to use your Lucid Pillar Candle
Grasp Pyrex wick holder in the candle top. With a counter clockwise quarter turn, lift up.
Pour Lucid Liquid into candle body. Stop filling when liquid is ½ inch below the lock grooves.
Screw top back in place and light tip of wick with a match or lighter. New wicks take a moment to heat up and produce a full size flame.
Always start by making sure the Lucid Dinner Candle fits securely into your candle holder.
Scroll down for step-by-step instructions on the Lucid Dinner Candle
Grasp Pyrex wick holder in the candle top. With a counter clockwise quarter turn, lift up.
Using cap with spout, pour Lucid Liquid into the candle to ¾ inch from rim. Keep wick in body of candle while pouring to account for displacement.
Screw top back in place. Light wick
with a match or lighter. New wicks take a moment to heat up and produce a full size flame.
Reinstalling a wick
If necessary, remove wick from pulling down from underside of candle lid
Thread wire through loop in wick. Guide the ends of the wire into the Pyrex wick holder from the underside of the candle top
Remove copper wire and save. If you need to, gently pull on wick from underside of candle lid to reduce wick height to a maximum of 1/8 inch.
Tips for using your Lucid Liquid Candle
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